03 June 2009

I should have known better...

My low fuel sound dinged whilst I drove down Canal. What a responsible individual would have done is go to the nearest gas station and fill up. What a dirty blonde, Mexican, Jew does is: keep driving. Not only do I keep treckin' I drive all the way up to 86 between Amsterdam and Columbus looking for parking. Drove around in circles a few times and eventually put my car in a garage and decided to deal with the gas situation in the morning. Foolish idea to say the least.

Morning arrives. I ask for the nearest gas station. SCORE!!! It's on 97th and West End, only a few blocks away. I drive up there. No gas station. I drive around in circles twice and still, no gas station. I drive back onto broadway and my vehicle starts to jerk. I fear I may have seriously ran up on my luck. I am in the middle lane in between two 18 wheelers and stopped at a red light. I am dooooooommmmeeeeeddd!!!!

I finally pull over and park my car at a meter a few blocks later. I am now on 97th and broadway. I hail a cab and ask them to take me to the nearest gas station. Sure enough, the gas station was on 97th and West End, and I totally just didn't see it. What a moron I am!!!

I ask them for gas as I have run out. The gas station attendents look all over. No gas can. But no worries, they tell me. They filled an old oil bottle with gasoline and gave me a makeshift funnel they made by cutting up an old water bottle. I get back into the cab and have the cab drive me the 2 blocks back to my car.

I fill my car with the $3.00 worth of gas, $2.00 of which was spilled all over my hands and on the ground. The people on the street just looking at me, and 1 elderly woman yelled at me for having thrown out the bottle and 'funnel' in the regular NYC garbage. Hey What the hell do you want me to do with the bottle Lady???

I didn't know this was illegal.

I am an idiot, all of this could have been avoided if I just filled my car with gas.

Summer Stephanie is back with a vengeance, and her hands still smell like gasoline.

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