1) I miss using 90’s slang, i.e.: using terms such as ‘Yo' Momma” and “Not” in an appropriate manner.
2) I will NEVER not tip a waiter (ss) or the bar keeps, Even if they were awful and no matter how much I wanted not to.
3) Coco-Krispies are best eaten in the evening with plain soy milk.
4) I have always dreamt of being on Double Dare/Family Double Dare, though I have no siblings. Therefore the option would never be available to me. This fact has taught me, we can’t always do what we desire no matter how hard we try. This was a tough realization.
5) I hate having drinks without ice. This includes apple juice.
6) I have never written on/left my hand print on wet cement. I continue to look for opportunities.
7) I’m a glutton for sour jelly beans, tangy taffy and razzels
8) I will have a conniption fit if my closet is not arranged by color, pattern and style. My clothes are perfectly folded into squares. My T-shirts are folded into a perfect rectangle and consequently rolled up tightly. I gently place them into my draw with the tag 1/4 from the bottom. This arrangement allows for a swift wardrobe selection. However, prior to going out I will try on several different outfits and not put them back into their designated areas. I often find myself selecting items from the 'floor' than my perfectly arranged closets.
9) My parents are my best friends
10) Video games are my guilty pleasure.
11) I have an inappropriate obsession with ‘Dr. House’, Russell Brand and the guy who plays Harry Potter. Coincidentally, they are all English.
12) My skin is terrible. I’m quite self conscious about it. I’m jealous of those that have amazing skin and would like to throw hot acid on their faces. I won’t ever do that…Don’t worry.
13) I will never wear fake anything. Ever. I loath those that do.
14) The world would not be the same without ginger-ale and glue.
15) Experience everything at least once. That’s my motto.
16) Even though I hated the British accent when I was living in London. Nothing warms my heart more now than hearing someone with one. “In’ it.” “Big up to my high street bred’rins”
17) Poor manners disgust me.
18) Hummus is not a type of food. It’s the best condiment!
19) Bring back Motown!
20) I’m a helpless romantic at heart. I however, will rarely show that I am.
21) Beer is not a beverage. It’s a meal and completely appropriate for breakfast.
22) When I see a sewer I often wonder if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will pop out and offer me a slice of pizza.